Autumn bliss; Guru Ram Das Chanting

Posted by Hari Bhajan Khalsa on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Was so grateful yesterday to sit with my community, in a cozy home, with prayers thick in the air, chanting together.  We got our ‘Dhan Dhan’ song tune right this time.  I’ve played it so many different ways but we did it best yesterday.  My husband’s guitar playing was really superb.  And our friend on Tabla was nice and steady.

Our babysitting plan didn’t work out so, before going in for chanting, I prepared my son for hopefully sitting calmly.  And he did!  In fact, after a few moments, he actually fell asleep on my knee, underneath my arm holding chords for my guitar!  Then he slept through dinner as well, even with his little buddies asking to play with him!  Was kind of a miracle! Although, of course, when we arrived home he woke up and had energy for over an hour more!  It’s been really humbling to expand into this seva of parenthood. 

Dinner was de-li-cious!  Mouth-watering mung beans and rice, of all things, sooo well-done with greens and perfect salting!  Tasty yogurt and salad and our yogis’ favorite…YOGI TEA…and a dessert of these surprisingly yummy, gluten-free, chocolate chip cookies which I fully enjoyed.  It was all so delicious!   There’s nothing like eating together in cozy homes, chatting and connecting.  So fulfilling. 

We sing every evening at this time of year, for eleven days before Guru Ram Das’ Birthday on October 9th.  We celebrate this beautiful Guru of the Sikh path, who’s light can be felt.  It’s such a magical, special time of the year for our little community. The weather is changing.  Leaves are turning beautiful yellows, oranges, and reds.  And my favorite little purple, yellow, and white flowers return to decorate the land, enchanting my heart for a peaceful change into the cold winter. I feel renewed with inspiration and beauty of mother earth! I can’t even express my love for this time of year!

So enjoy dear people. The winds of change are upon us.  Beautiful rain sprinkling over the land of enchantment, freshening up our consciousness. Be well. Good night.

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Sat Nam. I'm just one other spirit, making a difference. Prayer~~ Humanity is conscious and elevated, awakened to our senses, radiating bright light, caring for every other as our own. Purity of consciousness rules! We recognize the God, Great Spirit, Divine Universal Creative force within. We manifest love for all, in praise of the Infinite One.

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